Quiet Givers Receives Community Partnership Award from Boone Area Chamber of Commerce

QuietGivers Nov 08, 2021

We were honored to receive the Dan Meyer Community Partnership Award from the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce this past month. This award is the result of a huge community effort that has helped so many people in our area pay their rent, prevent utility shutoffs, fed hundreds of people at the height of the COVID shutdown, repaired people's cars, purchased prescription medication for folks who couldn't afford it, covered childcare costs, and so many other needs for folks who've been struggling since the beginning of the pandemic. This award truly belongs to the people of the High Country who have supported our organization for so many years and who came together in awe inspiring ways to help us serve the folks of our area during such a dark time. We couldn't do it without you.
Pictured: Vice President Amy Butler, Executive Director Matthew Lucas, Secretary/Treasurer Amber Robinson, board member Mark Bowman.
