Help Him Find His Voice

$1000 Goal
For eight long years, one individual has been fighting an uphill battle after a terrible car accident left him with a brain injury. He's learned how to walk again, showing incredible strength and determination, but today he is up against another challenge. His teeth are all broken, which has made it exceedingly difficult for him to communicate with others and eat properly. For him, simple conversations that most of us take for granted have become a painful obstacle, and he’s worried that without help, he might lose weight again too.
He has a plan to save up for new, permanent dentures, but this would take him nearly two years on his own. Each day he goes without them feels like an overwhelming challenge. He’s been through so much already, yet he continues to fight.
With your help, we are aiming to raise $1,000 to get him the dental care he desperately needs. A complete set of dentures would transform his life, allowing him to eat comfortably and regain his confidence in speaking. Any donation, whether big or small, means the world to him and helps pave the path toward recovery.