Heat Up the High Country

$10000 Goal
Fall is one of our favorite times of year here at Quiet Givers, but as the weather turns colder here in the high country, it also represents a time of increased need for folks who are struggling to make ends meet. Heating fuel needs are some of the most expensive needs we receive, and this year with fuel costs soaring so high, it's putting an increased burden on families who rely on oil for heat. That's why we're setting a big goal of $10,000. A minumum fill for a single family is going to be more than $500, and we want to be able to help as many people stay warm this winter as possible. We're asking folks to commit to monthly recurring donations through April, or pledge a one-time donation to help us keep the heat on for a family in need. If you would like to contribute, donations can be made via the link below. Thank you!